final exam long case

This is an online elog book to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This elog book reflect s my patients centered online portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments is welcome. 
 Chief complaint -
 A 54 yrs old male patient of resident suryapet, shop keeper by occupation came to opd with chief complaint of pedal edema from 1 month and fever from 4 days. 
History of present illness-
Patient was apparantly asymptomatic 6months months back and then he developed  fever   associated with chills , rigor and vomitings. He was admitted in local hospital and was found to have raised creatinine levels and diagnosed as renal failure. He was under observation for 10days and treated . He was on medication for 5months. (Tab dolo650mg, inj zofer4mg , Iv NS, sodocel 500mg)Later one month back he developed pedal edema and before4 days back he developed fever which is intermittent type no diurnal variation , not associated with cough and cold , burning micturition loose stools vomiting , associated with chills and rigors.
History of past illness-
History of NSAID abuse 
H/o Left Hip replacement 15yrs back
H/o Hypertension 5yrs back
N/k/C/O Dm, asthma, CAD, CVA, Epilepsy, Tb. 
Family history-
No significant family history
Personal history
Diet - mixed
Appetite- normal
Bowels - regular 
Micturation- normal
Allergies- no allergies
Addictions- no addictions

Daily Routine- 
6:00 wake up 
7:00 shop
8:30 breakfast
2:00 lunch
9:00 return to home 
10:00 dinner 
11:00 sleep

Physical examination-
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative and well oriented to time and place. 
Patient is moderately built and well nourished. 
Pallor is seen 
Edema of feet is seen 
No cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, icterus. 
Temperature- febrile
Pulse rate - 98bpm
Rr--15cycles per minute
Spo2- 99%
Systemic examination-
Cvs -
No thrils
No murmurs
S1 , s2 sounds are heard
Bilateral airway entry is normal
No dyspnoea
No wheezing
Vesicular breath sounds 
Position of trachea is central 
Shape of the abdomen - distended
No tenderness
No palpable mass 
Liver & spleen are not palpable 
No bruits 
No scars and sinuses
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative, and well oriented to time and place. 
No neck stiffness
Sensory and motor system- normal 
No kerning sign
19-1-2023 ECG
Tab lasix 20mg 
Tab Metoprolol 50mg
Tab shelcal 500mg
Tab nodosis 500mg
Tab nicardia 10mg
Tab sevalmer 400mg
Inj Erythropoetin 4000 iu S/C twice weekly


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